
Friday, August 26, 2011

FiRsT DaY Of ScHoOl!!

Today was the first day of school.....whoot whoot....and so it was quite a weird day! One reason i am now a 9th grader and now we are the kings of the school :)! which is good in many ways!! but some of my older... now High School...friends have left us to go to High School (which of course i have already mentioned) Also i dont have lunch with Sarah any of the days :( which is the worst thing EVER!!! but i do have 2 classes with her!! whoot whoot!! So my classes geography..T.A. for Carrillo!!!... orchestra...child development...biology...english...geometry...SEMINARY!!! and out of all my classes T.A. child development and seminary are my FAVORITE!!! my seminary teacher is Bro. Lund! he is quite funny! and he is a great teacher so far! So if you cant tell i started to write this on the first day of school then left it and now i am finishing it as of today...friday... so thats why it all kinda mixed up so sorry!! Also that it so Bye!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

StAkE DaNcEs!!

SO.... tonight will be my first stake dance. well actually my first stake dance....we ended up being kicked out in a way. even tough we never even entered!! so i am very excited to go and see a whole bunch of my school friends that i have not seen this summer!! well i will write about it later!

Monday, August 8, 2011


So heres the dealio....i cannot wait until school starts. i am 1. so anxious to get my schedule, i want to know if i have any classes with my friends! 2. i want to know what teachers i get. I also want Mr. Carillo for math! he is so cool. If i get will make my school year. 3. actually i think i only had 2. so yes. Also the classes i am taking are... Biology...child development...Dance 2...English...Geometry...Orchestra : (... P.E...and possibly Teacher aid. so yes. I am very excited. I will be going to get my schedule  within the next few weeks... i hope!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

SeVeN PeAkS!!

So just a few days ago i went to seven peaks...with my family and with my cousin and her we were just minding our business when my cousin wanted to go on Freefall so bad. I told her that i wouldnt go with her. Then i just kept going on about how scared i was. Well then this random girl sitting there listening to our conversation, said that freefall wasnt as bad as it really looks. So she and my cousin convince me to go. As we were getting closer to the top i was getting even more nervous. Next thing you know...i was sitting on the slide waiting for the lifeguard to let me now that i could go. Then without hesitation i just went down!!!! It was so much FUN!! i wanted to keep going, but i only went 3 times. But next time i go...i am going to go on it first!!! So that is my seven peaks story! To tell you the truth...Seven Peaks has been my second home this summer!

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