
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The BEST Night.....

About a week ago...the friends, Sarah Lizzie Alayna Megan and Myself went to a dance....actually it was a stake dance.  It was absolutely fantastic. the BEST night EVER in my life exsistence.  The boy i liked was there...the fire alarms went off, we were evacuated outside for about thirty minutes or so, then i saw this boy waved...and he ran to give me a hug. We talked and talked and talked. then we were allowed to go back into the building. As i was walking out of the gym he was walking in, he waved and i waved we talked then decided to meet each other at the back of the room when the next slow sang came on. My friends and i partied it up in the to the speakers, then the slow song came on...i walked to the back met him...and we danced. BEST dance ever. he is truly my BEST friend ever. and nobody can replace him. yes sure he might replace me...but i wont EVER replace him..not in a million years, never ever. Even though we go to different schools doesnt mean we cant be friends, it doesnt mean we cant be best friends! He is my BEST friend and he made that saturday night the BEST...night of my life...and i wont ever forget it! :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

To My Dearest Friends...

This is for my closest friends...

this is a true fact

i am only me when i am with you

when im with you...i feel safe

and feel like i can be whoever i want and not have to hide anything from you


i wish that at school i could show you that person

but at school i feel to embarrassed to let that girl out

go crazy..

but with you,

i know i can.

my dear know who you are,
Sarah, Tessa, Katie, Kiera Alayna, Jacqueline, Erin. more.

Monday, October 24, 2011


I just realized how much music involves in my life..{if that made any sense}... i listen to it EVERYDAY no joke!! In the morning. First thing i do when i wake up is turn on my radio. When im getting ready its on. i have noticed that it brings out the best in me...also the more crazier side of me ha ha. But it really does i feel like myself and with music...i can exress myself and i dance like no one is watching...sing like no one is listening and party like everybody is there with me..all of my friends.. when i get home from school i go to my room and turn on my radio.  i LOVE LOVE LOVE music. It is my life and nothing can replace it!!

Friday, October 21, 2011


So life hasn't changed. School is quite boring as usual, lately i haven't been myself. Well it seems to me that i haven't, my friends are the same...I LOVE them all {just so you know}...i have had so much homework it just isnt the same. I used to play with my friends not so much, maybe every friday but not high school friends{Kiera, Alayna} i dont see you anymore except for those Wednesday night young womens. This fall break, al my friends are gone...Nevada, St. George, thier cabins...and me? yes thats right i am in my house being bored with no friends to go and play with, no adventures to go on, nothing to do.  All i get to wait for is the deer hunt on Saturday{tomorrow}which i go and enjoy with my father and brother.  We sit and wait for bucks to stroll by then shoot them...what fun...who knows how long we will be? an hour? the whole day? all i know is that i would rather be at home with my friends then out in the moutains sittng on two big rocks waiting for deer. But since i have to go i hope i can get a big deer perferably a four-point, possibly bigger, yes bigger would be nice. Then Sunday rolls, yay...then Monday, school totes ruins my whole day and week. But there is one thing i am excited for. Halloween!! My friends and i are going to be jedis! [is that how you spell it?] well let me just say its going to be a party! I cant wait. Then trick-or-treating and getting butt loads of candy? I am all for it!! well that is all the time i have so goodbye!

Monday, September 26, 2011

LaKe PoWeLl. ;D

So this last weekend i went to Lake Powell!! It is a super fun place :) we boated...obviously... and swam and fished and so much more!! it was so nice and warm there! also i got a pretty GREAT tan!! which i am so happy about. Also we went to Dangling Rope...which is a marina...and they have the BEST root beer floats! so i got one and it was supes good! also Sarah...sorry for stealing your words like grody and supes and all those words like that!! any ways...yes it was pretty great and i had so much fun! Me and my Father went "hiking" up to a cave (kinda) and we got our pictures taken and all that jazz. But yes and i think that i will be posting some of those pictures soon!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

PiZzA RoLlS!!

I just had a pizza roll! there are magically delicious!! I havent had them since my friends and i had  photo shoot... which was before school started! but my mother bought i just had quite a few of them! But they are so GGGOOOOODDDDD!!!!   :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

FiRsT DaY Of ScHoOl!!

Today was the first day of school.....whoot whoot....and so it was quite a weird day! One reason i am now a 9th grader and now we are the kings of the school :)! which is good in many ways!! but some of my older... now High School...friends have left us to go to High School (which of course i have already mentioned) Also i dont have lunch with Sarah any of the days :( which is the worst thing EVER!!! but i do have 2 classes with her!! whoot whoot!! So my classes geography..T.A. for Carrillo!!!... orchestra...child development...biology...english...geometry...SEMINARY!!! and out of all my classes T.A. child development and seminary are my FAVORITE!!! my seminary teacher is Bro. Lund! he is quite funny! and he is a great teacher so far! So if you cant tell i started to write this on the first day of school then left it and now i am finishing it as of today...friday... so thats why it all kinda mixed up so sorry!! Also that it so Bye!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

StAkE DaNcEs!!

SO.... tonight will be my first stake dance. well actually my first stake dance....we ended up being kicked out in a way. even tough we never even entered!! so i am very excited to go and see a whole bunch of my school friends that i have not seen this summer!! well i will write about it later!

Monday, August 8, 2011


So heres the dealio....i cannot wait until school starts. i am 1. so anxious to get my schedule, i want to know if i have any classes with my friends! 2. i want to know what teachers i get. I also want Mr. Carillo for math! he is so cool. If i get will make my school year. 3. actually i think i only had 2. so yes. Also the classes i am taking are... Biology...child development...Dance 2...English...Geometry...Orchestra : (... P.E...and possibly Teacher aid. so yes. I am very excited. I will be going to get my schedule  within the next few weeks... i hope!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

SeVeN PeAkS!!

So just a few days ago i went to seven peaks...with my family and with my cousin and her we were just minding our business when my cousin wanted to go on Freefall so bad. I told her that i wouldnt go with her. Then i just kept going on about how scared i was. Well then this random girl sitting there listening to our conversation, said that freefall wasnt as bad as it really looks. So she and my cousin convince me to go. As we were getting closer to the top i was getting even more nervous. Next thing you know...i was sitting on the slide waiting for the lifeguard to let me now that i could go. Then without hesitation i just went down!!!! It was so much FUN!! i wanted to keep going, but i only went 3 times. But next time i go...i am going to go on it first!!! So that is my seven peaks story! To tell you the truth...Seven Peaks has been my second home this summer!

Friday, July 29, 2011


So...tonight was one of the best nights of my life! We (SaRaH and KiErA) started out watching Ghost Whisperer. Then it turned into what school clothes we got. So we walked over to my house, we looked at my clothes then decieded that we wanted to make some BrOwNiEs!! So we did. greatest time ever!! CRACKING EGGS!!! haha they got EVRYWHERE..really they did. After we sat on my lawn, played with my toad...AlBeRt...then started to prank call and text people. Mostly call but most of the peeps wouldnt answer their phones! turds. Well then my mom was going to Cafe Rio. So she asked us to tag along, so we did. So while we were there...well let me start out like this, the people behind us had this really cute boy. I do have to say...he was pretty darn cute...but sad thing..he was checking out my mom...hahahahahaha that was great....well after Cafe Rio we went to Sarah's house to go and get Natty. Well we stayed there for the rest of the night. Then we all had to go home :( but it was such a fun night. I LoVe SaRaH and KiErA!!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


so..this very day...i went to the mall..with my mom...and brothers and sisters.  we walked in and out of stores. we looked for some clothes..we walked into Maurices...i got a shirt. After we walked into Urban Wear!! and i got some pants....cutest... they are miss chics! (sorry Malone i thought they were LA Idols). then we were going to the car... got in. then i asked my mom if we could go to Nordstroms to look real quick for some shoes and some clothes. She said ok. so we drove over there and went in. I looked at the shoes and i fell in LOVE!! with TOMS!!! so we went and looked at them. i found the ones i wanted. Blue glittery ones. i loved them. they are about the color of my room! so i looked at the price...$53.95... i wanted them so bad. so my mom said that if i wanted them i had to buy them myself. SO... I DID!! i didnt want to turn down this great offer. Those shoes just came in this morning. So i am so happy that i got them. But sad thing.....they are my school shoes. So yes those are the most i have ever spent on one item of shoes, but i fell in love with them so i just had to, so that is my day story!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our Greatest AdVeNtUrE!!

So around 7:45 or and Kiera were going to play at Kiera's house. and thats when it all happened! So my little sister..JoJo... started to follow us to Kiera's house. Kiera then told her that there were big bugs at her house that would eat her feet (JoJo didnt have any shoes the time). Then she started saying that she was ok, and that the bugs wouldnt get her...and jazz like that. I then started to count down from 5..4..3.. then she zipped off! and we started booking it to her house. My other little sister..Lex.. started to chase us on her bike, but we made it to her house right before she got us, we locked the door and ran to her room. We then heard the doorbell ring. We told her little sister..JJ.. that if it was Lex she was to tell her that she hasnt seen us and that we werent here. She had also went back home and had gotten JoJo.. But no.. JJ directed them right down to her room.So we quickly locked her bedroom door and stood there hoping they would just leave...but they kept knocking on the door, then you would see some hands come up from underneath the door. We were trying so hard not to laugh. so Kiera turned on some musica and she was saying...sorry what?! we cant hear you... then she had a brilliant idea of sneaking out her window. So we hurried and climbed out, then the 3 little girls came into the bedroom and started looking around for us. Then we heard them coming toward the window so we hurried and ran to the side of the house. Standing there...we could occasionally hear them, but then the noise stopped. Then on the deck standing there was JoJo, so we hurried and went out the gate to the front yard. We kept looking through the gate to see if JoJo was still there, and yes she was swinging on the swings. So we went back through the gate towards her. We didnt think that she would see us..but we were wrong, she caught us red handed. So we decieded to go back through her window and we got JoJo down then that was the end! Man that was the BEST SUMMER ADVENTURE YET!

my FiRsT BlOg!!

So... this very day... my soul sista (kiera) helped me make this wonderful blog. i couldnt think of any names for this blog, so i asked a few friends, and kiera came over to help me. so she came up with this great name. and helped me get some pictures, and my playlist. So i hope you like this...and ENJOY!!

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